Audited Financial Statements – The core service offered by our firm – is more than just a compliance function, it’s an opportunity to bring credibility to your financial standing. Your financial statements communicate information in a way that makes the data easier to find and understand for borrowers and investors alike. They also provide insight so that you can improve your business.

From our view, compliance services can be either regulatory routines or powerful tools to improve operations, tighten internal control and reduce waste. Our approach to serving you will always be shaped by the greater goal of advancing your mission.

Our firm specializes and has many years of experience in performing audits of

  • Transmission and Distribution Electric Cooperatives
  • Independent Telephone Companies and Cooperatives
  • Local Governmental Entities, such as
    • Counties
    • Cities
    • Towns and Villages
    • Illinois and Missouri School Districts
  • Not-for-Profit Organizations

We provide financial reporting at all levels of assurance:

  • Audit – an intensive examination with the highest level of assurance, including audits under Government Auditing Standards and OMB Uniform Guidance (Single Audits)
  • Attestation – an examination, a review, or an agreed-upon procedures report on subject matter, or an assertion about the subject matter, that is the responsibility of another party
  • Compilation – based upon client information provided and used primarily for internal use

Peer Review Report-2024

